Part of learning about the 13 colonies is memorizing the names of the colonies by their region. The hard part is that my students have always had a difficult time remembering the names.

So I came up with a mnemonic or acronym to help them memorize the names in order of how the coloines are actually situated on a map. 

Why Memorize the 13 Colonies? 

Memorizing the names of the 13 colonies is important because later in the year, my students will memorize the names of the 15 states and capitals. So having 13 under the belt helps. Also, you’ll want your students to be familiar with the names when you start teaching your American Revolution Unit. 

Learn the Names of the 13 Colonies

Acronym to Remember the 13 Colonies

Northern Colonies

Nerds- New Hampshire

Mostly- Massachusetts 

Read- Rhode Island

Carefully- Connecticut

Middle Colonies

New Yorkers- New York

Prefer- Pennsylvania

New Jokes- New Jersey

Daily- Delaware

Southern Colonies

Most- Maryland

Vampires- Virginia

Never- North Carolina

Sleep- South Carolina

Got it?- Georgia

Memorize the 13 Colonies in Order

I think acronyms and mnemonics are the way to go to teach students anything difficult to memorize. I wrote another blog post about Mnemonics in Math that I think would be helpful for your students. 

This acronym is part of my 13 Colonies resource, that you can grab HERE.

13 Colonies Activities

Click HERE to Purchase

If you need a fun 13 Colonies project, read my 13 Colonies Project blog post about how my students choose a project to complete.

You got this! Giselle