Social Studies

  • How to Teach Elementary Students about Slavery

    Hands in Chains and text that says Slavery in the Early Colonies

    Teaching students about the history of slavery is a real challenge. Not only is it an uncomfortable subject, but it is a truly heartbreaking part of our American history.  I believe that the subject of slavery needs more attention and should be taught more in detail so students have a better understanding of the topic. […]


  • Why Students Need to Know About Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson Trial

    Why Do You Need to Teach Students about Anne Hutchinson? When educators like myself teach students about the 13 colonies, we usually discuss the difference between the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. We discuss common topics such as the climate, geography, and economies of each region. We mention some of the people who founded […]


  • The Best Way to Teach English Learners about European Explorers

    Compass and map and text that says "European Explorers"

    Using Visuals to Build Background Knowledge It’s important to always teach background knowledge before doing any type of Social Studies reading. Building background knowledge is crucial, especially for elementary students, to comprehend non-fiction text.  Never assume that students know content specific vocabulary.  Yes, some may know the vocabulary words, but it doesn’t hurt to teach […]