
  • How to Help Struggling Math Students in 5th Grade

    Student with head on desk holding a help sign. Text: How to help struggling math students

    Working at a Title 1 inner-city school, where many of my students are English Learners has taught me a thing or two about working with striving learners.  Some of my students are 2 years or more behind in the core subjects of reading and math.  How do you differentiate your instruction for these students while […]


  • 7 Strategies for Teaching Students with Dyscalculia

    student frustrated with head on chalk board. Text: Strategies for students with dyscalculia

    Math can be hard and frustrating for students with dyscalculia but with the right scaffolds and support, it doesn’t have to be. Many strategies can be implemented to help students with dyscalculia. But first, what is dyscalculia? What is Dyscalculia? Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability in math.  Students with dyscalculia have persistent difficulties in […]


  • 13 Funny Math Mnemonics to Use in 5th grade

    Any teacher knows that Math Mnemonics is an essential part of math instruction. There are so many rules to remember in math that it can get overwhelming. Teaching math mnemonics is especially important for your students who have dyscalculia.   What are math mnemonics? A math mnemonic is a tool to improve your ability to remember […]